Vladimir Milić – Publications

Journal papers

Conference proceedings

  • Ćaran, B.; Škifić, N.; Milić, V.; Švaco, M.
    Application of a Time-Varying Linear Quadratic Controller for Trajectory Tracking of a Four-Wheel Mobile Robot with Independent Steering and Drive
    The 47th ICT and Electronics Convention, MIPRO 2024, Opatija, Croatia, May 2024, pages 1800-1807

  • Lobrović, M.; Jokić, A.; Milić, V.; Žilić, T.; Jokić, M.; Kasać, J.; Domitran, Z.; Crneković, M.
    A case study in distributed control: elastically interconnected seesaw-cart systems
    The 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED’17, Valletta, Malta, July 2017, pages 1159-1164

  • Kasać, J.; Žilic, T.; Milić, V.; Jokić, A.; Lobrović, M.
    Robust decentralized global asymptotic tracking control of a class of nonlinear mechanical systems
    The 2016 American Control Conference, ACC 2016, Boston, MA, USA, July 2016, pages 4731-4736

  • Kasać, J.; Milić, V.; Stepanić, J.; Mester, G.
    A computational approach to parameter identification of spatially distributed nonlinear systems with unknown initial conditions
    The IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, IEEE SSCI 2014, Symposium on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space , Orlando, Florida, December 2014, pages 1-7

  • Novaković, B.; Majetić, D.; Kasać, J.; Brezak, D.; Milić, V.
    Application of control terms P1 and P2 to estimation of rotation curve of stars
    The 18th International Research/Expert Conference “Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology”, TMT 2014, Budapest, Hungary, September 2014, pages 373-376

  • Milić, V.; Kasać, J.; Šitum, Ž.
    A Newton-like algorithm for L2-gain optimal control of an electro-hydraulic servo-system
    The 22th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED’14, Palermo, Italy, June 2014, pages 574-579

  • Šitum, Ž.; Žilić, T.; Milić, V.
    Improving performance of a hydraulic press with real-time nonlinear control
    The 9th International Fluid Power Conference, Aachen, Germany, March 2014, volume 2, pages 158-163

  • Milić, V.; Di Cairano, S.; Kasać, J.; Bemporad, A.; Šitum, Ž.
    A numerical algorithm for nonlinear L2-gain optimal control with application to vehicle yaw stability control
    The 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Maui, Hawaii, December 2012, pages 5040-5045

  • Milić, V.; Bemporad, A.; Kasać, J.; Šitum, Ž.
    Numerical algorithm for nonlinear state feedback H∞ optimal control problem
    The 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED’12, Barcelona, Spain, July 2012, pages 1247-1252

  • Kasać, J.; Milić, V.; Novaković, B.; Majetić, D.; Brezak, D.
    Initial conditions optimization of nonlinear dynamic systems with applications to output identification and control
    The 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED’12, Barcelona, Spain, July 2012, pages 1241-1246

  • Šitum, Ž.; Milić, V.; Žilić, T.; Essert, M.
    Design, construction and computer control of a hydraulic press
    The 12th Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, SICFP’11, Tampere, Finland, May 2011, pages 93-103

  • Tomić, T.; Kasać, J.; Milić, V.
    Rigid body attitude control with complete rejection of unknown external disturbances
    The 22nd International DAAAM Symposium , Vienna, Austria, November 2011

  • Milić, V.; Kasać, J.; Majetić, D.; Šitum, Ž.
    A BPTT-like min-max optimal control algorithm for nonlinear systems
    ICNAAM 2010: International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics 2010, Rhodes, Greece, September 2010
    AIP Conference Proceedings, volume 1281, pages 539-542

  • Šitum, Ž.; Milić, V.; Essert, M.
    Throttling and volumetric control principle to an electrohydraulic velocity servomechanism
    The 7th International Fluid Power Conference Aachen, Efficiency through Fluid Power, Aachen, Germany, March 2010
    Workshop Proceedings, volume 2, pages 379-390

  • Milić, V.; Kasać, J.; Essert, M.
    A potential field method approach to robotic convoy obstacle avoidance
    The 20th International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna, Austria, November 2009, pages 1601-1602

  • Milić, V.; Kasać, J.; Šitum, Ž.
    Positioning a multi-robot system formation using potential field method
    The 20th International DAAAM Symposium, Vienna, Austria, November 2009, pages 1599-1600

  • Šitum, Ž.; Essert, M.; Žilić, T.; Milić, V.
    Design and construction of hydraulic servomechanisms for position, velocity and force control
    The 8th ASEE Global Colloquium on Engineering Education, Budapest, Hungary, October 2009, pages 1-1